Home Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision


Developing authentic cinematic values, values that affect not only the development of the Seven Arts, but also in the development of culture in general in Kosovo.



Preserving the tradition of that films and organizing professional workshops increasingly offering viewers and creators of cinema art, high values of European and world cinema, through which our audience will be close to recognizing the cultures of these countries.


Elements of the mission:

Cinema audiences are potential customers who belong to almost all ages:

– Preschool children 4-6

– Pupils from 7-18

– Students from 18-23

– Middle-age adults 23-65

– Retirees age 65 – onwards.


Screenings world renowned

– World premiere

– HIT movies

– Movies from the region

– Albanian Homepage

– Games for children


The most modern technology

– Advanced digital technology, with digital and digital 3D format

– Projector for 35 mm film strip

– Dolby sound system Soround

– European Standard

– Convenience



– Presentation of value and cinematographic creations with friends as Hite premiere of the film, to meet the requirements and needs of the audience – our audience.

– The protection and promotion of these values also affects the preservation and development of culture in general in Kosovo.


Own concept

– Implementation of the screenings premiere, to be protected from unfair konkyrenca and the phenomenon of piracy and to communicate with the public.


Management and Marketing:

– Meeting the needs and demands of our audiences.

– Notice fair and timely

– Collaboration with NCC, with all media institutions, local and international institutions.

– Collaboration with the Academy of Film and all production companies in Kosovo, etc.



– Students:

– Screenings in the regular repertoire, with thematic contents and very educational.

– Through out repertoire performances with educational films, which are aimed at protecting the negative phenomena that may appear in society.

– Debates with professional filmmakers and psychologists.

– Access to all professional WORKSHOPS, for development and their skills around the world that cinema.


– Students:

– The organization of workshops to elaborate on topics that affect their professional development as such. how to organize kinokoncerte architecture in movies, about partners and knowledge of movies “silent” film retrospective and those “black and white” etc.


– General public:

– Enrichment of cultural values, through the only window of cinema in Kosovo, which bring film culture, Albanian, European and world.